Bolesław Ryziński


170 cm x 120 cm

Edycja: 1-3

15 000 PLN

Fotografia wykonana 1-2.08.2017 roku w Cape Breton Nowa Szkocja, Kanada.

Do sprzedaży:

61cm x 91 cm

Edycja czarno biała: 50

Edycja kolor: 50

Oprawa passe-partout: 1200 PLN

Oprawa w ramie: 1500 PLN

Cena dostępna na zapytanie

O dziele


2022 – "Stone Shadows" Exhibition in Fijewski Gallery

SIZELarge (<200 cm)
MATERIALPaper print
RARITYLimited Edition

O Artyście

Bolesław Ryziński

"Sculpting each tree's unique roots, scars and textures, it reveals its more discreet, secretive and dynamic nature"

Bolesław Ryziński - architect, visual artist - painter, sculptor and photographer, was born in 1952 in Poland in Międzyzdroje on the island of Wolin. A graduate of Architecture at the Szczecin University of Technology and the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. In 1980 he emigrated to the United States, where he worked as an architect and entrepreneur. Bolesław Ryziński belongs to the generation of Polish artists who, after completing their studies in People's Poland, developed their professional and artistic careers in their new homelands, leaving their home country. A serious success in the field of architectural projects overseas did not prevent the artist from developing his artistic talent. In addition to the drawing board, Ryziński's art studio was and still is equally important - where both intimate photographic works and spatial sculptural forms made of wood are created. Thanks to his non-architectural involvement in the artistic work of Bolesław Ryziński, he enters the area of interest not only of researchers observing the achievements of Polish architects working in exile, but also of art historians, recording and picking out from the shadow of unrecognition.

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