Łukasz Olek

Silent Spring

acrylic on canvas, framed (wooden, black, floating box), no varnish, sides painted black

140 x 90 cm

Price available on request
silent spring framed lq sfw
silent spring vis
silent spring vis
silent spring vis

About the work

SIZELarge (<200 cm)
MATERIALAcrylic on Canvas

About Artist

Łukasz Olek

"When creating, I like to get lost in various ways..."

The paintings of Łukasz Olek invite us to experience the world as seen through his eyes—a world in which each landscape is a personal study of memories, emotions, and the transient beauty of the surroundings.

Born in Warsaw in 1982, he has frequently exhibited his paintings in prestigious galleries worldwide. He is represented by galleries in Poland, the United States, France, Japan, Korea, and Australia, reflecting his growing international recognition. The artist also regularly participates in art fairs, including in London, New York, Amsterdam, Warsaw, and Paris. His works have found several hundred buyers from around the globe.

Olek's works are a synthesis of landscape fragments, reducing them to their elementary forms of color, light, and texture.

His approach to painting is deeply personal, capturing not only the essence of the visual world but also the intimate feelings of the artist himself. His works are an introspective journey, vivid memories stretched across the canvas, and each title is a tribute to the music that accompanied him during the creative process. This synesthetic interaction of color, sound, and memory gives his works an extraordinary sensuality and immediacy.

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